Western Range Feeds are nutritionally balanced for protein, energy, minerals and vitamins, and contain our exclusive trace mineral package, designed to complement the forages fed in our region of the Midwest.
Range cakes are all-natural range supplement for all classes of cattle on pasture or fed forage based diets. They provide the supplemental protein and energy cattle need in order to efficiently utilize pastures and forages, achieve optimum growth, and maintain proper body condition. They are recommended for beef cows during mid to late gestation through lactation, and for stocker cattle on pasture during the summer, fall and winter.
- 14% Range Cake
- 16% Range Cake
- 20% Range Cake
- 25% Range Cake
- 30% Range Cake
- 38% Range Cake
Drover’s Cake is a 4.0% fat range supplement for all classes of cattle on pasture or fed forage based diets. Drover’s Cakes unique formula features distiller’s dried grains as the primary source of protein and energy. Distiller’s dried grains are a medium protein, high-fat by-product of the grain ethanol industry. The protein in distiller’s grains is highly digestible and well suited for cattle. Its high fat content and digestible fiber give distiller’s grains an energy value equal to or greater than that of corn. University research has shown that supplementing cattle on grass or other forage based diets with distiller’s grains results in increased forage utilization and improved animal performance.
- 20% Drover’s Cake
- 30% Drover’s Cake
Hi Energy Cake is a high energy range cake for all classes of cattle on pasture or fed forage based diets. It provides supplemental energy in the form of high energy by-products and grain to help cattle achieve optimum weight gain, and maintain proper body condition. It is recommended for both beef cows and stocker cattle.
- 14% Hi Energy Cake
- 16% Hi Energy Cake
- 16% Extra Hi Energy Cake
Calf Fattener is a high energy supplement for all classes of cattle on pasture or fed forage based diets. It contains a significant amount of grain and therefore supports a high rate of gain in all types of cattle. It is recommended for cows, bulls, heifers and stocker cattle where fast, efficient gains are desired. Due to its high grain content, Calf Fattener should be hand fed once or twice daily along with free choice hay or pasture.
- 12% Calf Fattener
- 14% Calf Fattener
- 16% Calf Fattener
Cattle Booster is a 4.0% fat, high-energy supplement for all classes of cattle on pasture or fed forage based diets. It is available as either a pellet or cube. Cattle Booster’s unique formula features distiller’s dried grains in combination with grain and other high energy by products. Distiller’s dried grains are a medium protein, high-fat by-product of the grain ethanol industry. The protein in distiller’s grains is highly digestible and ideal for cattle of all ages especially growing cattle. Its high fat content and digestible fiber give distiller’s grains an energy value equal to or greater than that of corn. University research has shown that supplementing cattle on grass or other forage based diets with distiller’s grains results in increased forage utilization and improved animal performance.
- 16% Cattle Booster
- 20% Cattle Booster
Our Cattle Creep Pellet is a 14% all-natural protein supplement. The unique combination of highly digestible fiber sources in this feed compliment the fiber found in forage, resulting in efficient forage utilization while reducing the chance for digestive disturbances (bloat & acidosis) often associated with feeding grain. The 14% Cattle Creep Pellet can be used as a conventional creep feed for nursing calves or it can be hand fed to stocker cattle on grass whenever additional protein and energy are needed.